martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Reading books

Living English 1.Bachillerato. Student's Book. Burlington Books. ISBN 9789963489879


The Count of Monte Cristo.  Dominoes Three  (Oxford) ISBN:978-0-19-42819-8

The Secret Dairy of Adrián Mole, Ed. Burlington Books (Activity Readers) ISBN: 978-9963-48-877-3

Presentación de la materia

1.             Obtener información global y específica en textos orales y escritos e identificar las ideas principales contenidas en los mismos con el fin de realizar las tareas requeridas: Transferir  información, comprobar datos previos...
2.             Predecir y deducir información en diferentes tipos de textos y comprobar ideas anticipadas o suposiciones a través de la escucha o lectura posterior.
3.           Escuchar mensajes emitidos por hablantes con diferentes acentos.
4.            Identificar elementos de referencia y palabras de enlace en textos con el fin de interpretar la cohesión y coherencia de los mismos.
5.            Interactuar oralmente con otras personas, planificando previamente el mensaje que se desea transmitir o la información que se desea requerir, cuidando tanto la coherencia como la corrección formal
6.            Hacer descripciones y narraciones basadas en experiencias u opiniones personales.
7.            Formular hipótesis sobre las expectativas, intereses o actitudes comunicativas que puedan tener los receptores de los textos.
8.            Ordenar lógicamente frases y párrafos con el fin de realizar un texto coherente, utilizando los elementos de enlace adecuados.
9.             Redactar distintos tipos de textos (narrativos, descriptivos, cartas), tanto formales como informales, respetando la estructura de los mismos.
10.         Sintetizar ideas al escribir reseñas, resúmenes, informes breves...
Bloques de contenidos / temporalización por evaluación:
Blood is thicker tan water
It’s raining Cats and Dogs
Face the Music
My lips are Sealed
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Hit the Books!
You Can’t teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Don’t Rock the Boat
Criterios de evaluación y de calificación:
En 1º de Bachillerato, la nota de cada uno de los trimestres se obtiene de la suma de los siguientes porcentajes:

50 %

Trabajo personal
10 %


Libro de lectura
20% (30% Ind.Work; 70% test)

100 %

o      Si la media de cualquiera de las pruebas objetivas es menor de 4, la calificación de la evaluación será de INSUFICIENTE.
o      En la 3ª evaluación NO habrá Reading Book, por tanto el 20% se repartirá de la siguiente manera: Exámenes 70%, Trabajo Personal 10% y Oral/Proyecto 20%.
La nota final de junio se calculará siguiendo este porcentaje: 10%-1ª evaluación,   
  20%-2ª evaluación y 70%-3ª evaluación.
o      Si se sobrepasa el 25 % de faltas de asistencia injustificadas dentro de una evaluación, supondrá la pérdida del derecho a la evaluación continua en dicha evaluación. Quienes concurran en dicha situación deberán examinarse de la evaluación en cuestión a final de curso.

Procedimientos para la recuperación:

En la evaluación del aprendizaje de un idioma se valorará la capacidad del alumno por incluir en sus trabajos lo aprendido en el aula de forma progresiva y acumulativa. No se realizarán, por tanto, recuperaciones de partes de la asignatura al entender que en una lengua hay que demostrar un conocimiento global y no sólo de alguno de sus aspectos.

Materiales didácticos (libros de texto y otra documentación):
Materiales didácticos (libros de texto y otra documentación):
Libro de texto:  Living English 1. Ed. Burlington Books.
                                        Libro de alumno
Libros de lectura:  -
 The Count of Montecristo Ed. Oxford (Dominoes Three) ISBN:978-0-19-42819-8
The Secret Dairy of Adrián Mole, Ed. Burlington Books (Activity Readers) ISBN: 978-9963-48-877-3
 Normas a cumplir:
Ø  No se corregirán exámenes o ejercicios a lápiz, sin nombre o sucios. Se dará mucha importancia a la limpieza y presentación de los ejercicios.
Ø  No se recogerá ningún trabajo, cuaderno o ejercicio fuera de la fecha establecida.
Ø  Los ejercicios que hayan sido copiados, obtendrán una nota negativa y no se podrán volver a realizar. Si el ejercicio fuera un examen, suspendería automáticamente la evaluación.
Ø  Es obligatorio presentarse a todas las partes evaluables. En caso de no poder realizar algún examen, éste no se repetirá sin un justificante médico o de los padres.

Ø  Es obligatorio traer el material didáctico a clase, así como el que sea requerido por los profesores.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

Retaking Parts

gr: grammar
voc: vocabulary
read: reading
wr: writing

01.WYAG: gr, voc, read,wr
02.NAE: gr, voc, read, wr
03.CAA: gr, voc, read, wr
04.MAA: gr, wr
05.GBP: -----
06.ABB: gr, wr
07.CMCL: gr, voc, read, wr
08.AEA: read
09.MGM: gr, voc, read
10.LGJ: read
11.RHF: vbs, read
12.PLM: gr, voc, read, wr
13MRLM: read, wr
14.LMA:gr, read, wr
15.RPT: ------
16.JPF: gr, voc, read, wr
17.MSU: gr, voc, read, wr
18.MVTA: gr, voc, read, wr
19.AGP: gr, voc, read, wr

See you in class

martes, 2 de junio de 2015


Here you have the keys for the workbook. If you have tried them, you'll find it easier tomorrow's final test.



Good luck and see you in class.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Third Term tests

Dates for the tests

3rd June 2015 : Grammar, Vocabulary 
10th June  2015: Reading, Writing, Listening
12th June 2015: Retake Test

Good luck and study hard!

See you in class.

Unit 6 Workbook Key

Here you have the solutions to the sixth unit of the workbook.

If y ou have any doubt, please, don't hesitate and ask me.

See you in class.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

American English vs British English

Here you have the video we have watched in class... enjoy!

And here you have more differences in vocabulary

See you in class.

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015


As I told you ,here you have the key for the workbook.

See you in class.

Unit 4
Vocabulary, page 28
1 1. threats 4. efforts
2. employees 5. pastimes
3. deadlines
2 Possible answers:
1. by phone and by e-mail
2. used drugs
3. a surprise
4. understand the clue
5. nobody wanted their product
3 1. challenges most players
2. have disrupted our Internet access
3. phone calls will lead us to him
4. not suited to the job
5. requires previous experience
4 1. succeed 4. deadline
2. effort 5. lead to
3. ahead of time
page 29
5 1. from 7. in
2. about 8. with
3. with 9. on
4. to 10. for
5. about 11. of
6. to
6 1. of 5. on
2. about 6. in
3. on 7. in
4. with
7 Possible answers:
1. on schoolwork 4. in a marathon
2. about / for my brother 5. to the robber
3. on a true story 6. to the country club
8 1. threat 5. crack the code
2. succeed in 6. lead … to
3. prevent … from 7. challenges
4. depending on 8. Infamous
Grammar, page 30
1 1. ask 5. can buy
2. would apply for 6. won’t enjoy
3. get 7. could
4. would go
2 Possible answers:
1. will buy the tickets
2. will figure it out
3. he makes a mistake
4. he doesn’t want people to recognise him
5. would tell you what it is
3 1. would have given the classified information to the enemy if
we hadn’t caught him
2. hadn’t had a fake passport, he wouldn’t have been able to
enter the country
3. wouldn’t have failed if he hadn’t got to the meeting late
4. might have recognised her if she hadn’t dyed her blonde
hair black
5. they had looked in her handbag, they would have found the
recording device
4 1. They wouldn’t make them if they weren’t so popular.
2. If I don’t do well, they won’t hire me.
3. She would have come if we hadn’t had a fight.
4. Go online if you want more information.
5. If / When we succeed, we’ll show everyone.
5 1. could 5. would make
2. should / can apply for 6. wouldn’t have learned
3. have 7. visit
4. will live
page 31
6 1. All their agents must learn self-defence techniques.
2. By July, the training course will have ended.
3. As soon as the hacker strikes again, we’ll be able to locate
4. If the agent hadn’t taken his laptop with him, the thieves
would have stolen it.
5. If he knew my password, he could read my personal
6. He became a private security advisor after he had worked
for GCHQ for 20 years.
7. While she was working here, she stole many company
7 1. I won’t succeed unless I work hard.
2. We would have got in touch with them if we had known
their last name.
3. If they crack the code, they will be able to open the door.
4. I would meet my deadline if I didn’t have so much work.
5. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust him.
8 1. No conseguirás descifrar el código a no ser que te
concentres en ello.
2. Si el empleado se hubiera esforzado más para proteger el
sistema informático, podría haber evitado el ataque
3. Si me pongo en contacto contigo con antelación, ¿puedes
organizar una visita para mi clase?
4. Cuando nos enteramos de una amenaza, nos la tomamos
muy en serio.
5. No sabremos qué trabajo es apropiado para ti hasta
(después de) que termines los exámenes.
9 1. Don’t look at me as if I were a criminal!
2. If you don’t mind, I’d like to record this conversation.
3. If I were you, I wouldn’t spy on the company.
4. If you like, we can go out to dinner (so we don’t have to
Communication, page 32
1 1. reveal the details
2. blamed me for the damage
3. warn the public, since it was a false threat
4. concealed the gun in his coat
5. trusted him to deliver the information
6. your computer more secure, use anti-virus software
7. anything suspicious to the police
2 Possible answers:
1. careful 5. caught
2. truth 6. e-mails
3. safe 7. vote
4. law 8. Lie
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 1. I disagree / That’s not how I see it
2. That’s true, but / I suppose you’re right, but
3. You’ve got a point
4. Absolutely
5. Exactly
Reading, page 33
1 1. Francis Cabot Lowell
2. $32 billion
3. 2012
2 b
3 1. A French priest learned the secrets of making porcelain.
2. A Gillette employee sent them the plans.
3. They don’t have to spend money on development.
4 1. hire a private investigator
2. a company employee
3. they see signs of it
5 1. sophisticated 4. initiate
2. diverse 5. aware of
3. benefit from
Writing, page 34
1 1. Even though the hacker didn’t steal information, he was
2. Some people think he’s a spy as well as a reporter.
3. My parents and I get along well. However, I don’t want to
be Facebook friends with them.
4. He’s got a British passport in addition to a Canadian one.
5. He’s worked for the intelligence service for five years.
Nevertheless, he hasn’t been / he has never been on a
mission abroad.
2 1. Moreover / Furthermore / In addition
2. On the one hand
3. Furthermore / In addition / Moreover
4. On the other hand
5. In addition / Moreover / Furthermore
6. despite
7. also
Writing Task
3 1. for 5. against
2. against 6. against
3. for 7. against
4. for 8. against
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Check Your Progress, page 35
1 1. infamous 6. risky
2. face 7. concentrate on
3. challenge 8. hopeless
4. prevent … from 9. survived
5. shared
2 1. concealed 4. spread
2. bullied 5. participated in
3. sided with 6. prevented
3 Possible answers:
1. about money 3. at school
2. on the film 4. into a lovely day
4 1. has been 6. must know
2. can get 7. was cycling
3. could get 8. might … become
4. wouldn’t have won 9. will … replace
5. hadn’t spied
5 1. If I had known about the plans ahead of time, I would have
2. By the end of the month, my brother will have worked at
GCHQ for a year.
3. If his French were good enough, he could / would be able
to translate these documents.
4. You mustn’t talk to anyone.
5. By next month, they will have completed that new project.
6. When I get the job, I’ll ask about the hours.
Possible answers:
1. will go out
2. would get more sleep
3. will be travelling to New York City
4. I made dinner
5. try yoga

Unit 4
My Lips Are Sealed, page 76
1 Nouns
deadline: fecha límite, plazo
effort: esfuerzo
employee: empleado/a
pastime: pasatiempo
right: derecho
threat: amenaza
blame: culpar / echar la culpa a
challenge: desafiar; suponer un reto / desafío
conceal: ocultar
disrupt: alterar; interrumpir
lead to: llevar / conducir a
require: necesitar; requerir
reveal: revelar
succeed: tener éxito; conseguir, lograr
trust: confiar en, fiarse de
warn: advertir a
cautious: prudente, cauteloso/a
dishonest: poco honrado/a, deshonesto/a
hazardous: peligroso/a
illegal: ilegal, ilícito/a
infamous: infame, de mala fama
risky: arriesgado/a
secure: seguro/a
sneaky: ruin; furtivo/a
suited to: apropiado/a para (be ˜: adaptarse a)
suspicious: sospechoso/a
ahead of time: con antelación
crack the code: descifrar el código
get in touch with: ponerse en contacto con
invasion of privacy: invasión de la privacidad, atentado
contra la intimidad
2 1. reveal, conceal
2. warn
3. blame
4. get in touch with
5. dishonest, hazardous, illegal, risky, sneaky, suspicious
page 77
1 1. top secret: alto secreto
2. keep a secret: guardar un secreto
3. a secret life: una vida secreta
4. in secret: en secreto, a escondidas
5. an open secret: un secreto a voces
2 Possible answers:
1. tell anyone about it 4. knows he’s a criminal
2. anyone to know 5. found out about the surprise
3. knows anything about him
3 1. run out of: quedarse sin
2. on the run: a la fuga, fugado/a
3. run the show: llevar la voz cantante
4. run into someone: tropezar / encontrarse con alguien
5. run away: huir, escapar(se)
4 1. trying not to get caught 4. in charge
2. need to get more 5. unhappy
3. unplanned
5 a. succeeded
b. happened
6 Possible answers:
Verb Noun Adjective
threaten threat threatening /
disrupt disruption disruptive
succeed success successful
suspect suspicion /
suspect suspicious
compete competition competitive
accept acceptance
acceptable /
accepting /
7 1. competitive 4. suspect
2. success 5. acceptable

3. disruptive 6. threaten